11 Mar 2025
11 Mar 2025

2025 ATS Student Personnel Administrators Conference

  • Price: $350.00


By registration; This year’s Student Personnel Administrators’ Network (SPAN) conference—Belonging Across Modalities: Building Community with Communications, Technology, and AI—invites all those in student-focused roles to a conversation about the value and need for belonging and community that we all share, and the strategies and approaches we can take to foster real connections in schools and programs that are increasingly hybrid and tech-centered.

Join recruiters, admissions directors, financial aid officers, counseling staff, career services personnel, housing directors, registrars, deans of students, and more from across the ATS membership for an exciting event filled with dynamic plenary sessions, panel discussions, and hands-on workshops designed to help you connect with peers and grow the skills you need for effective service in your institution and community.



12:30 p.m.
Steering Committee Lunch and Meeting|Beach Room

4:30 p.m. 
Registration and Reception for First-Time Attendees|Terrace Promenade

5:15 p.m. 
General Registration and Reception|Terrace Promenade

6:00 p.m.
Opening Dinner|Oasis Court


7:45 a.m.       
Breakfast|Oasis Court

8:45 a.m.
Morning Reflection|Terrace Room 
Anne Carter Walker, Associate Dean, Phillips Theological Seminary                        

9:00 a.m.     
Welcome and Introductions

Cultivating Belonging: Experience and Belonging in Diverse, Multigenerational, and Hybrid Student Bodies
Leon Rodrigues, Dean of Students and Vice President for Inclusion and Belonging, Luther Seminary

10:30 a.m.
Break|Terrace Promenade

10:50 a.m.    
Facilitated Discussions

  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (<1 year)|Surf Room
    Jessi LeClear Vachta, Senior Director of Enrollment Services, Luther Seminary
  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (2-3 years)|Lagoon Room
    DeNeen Collins, Director of Recruiting and Admissions, Christian Theological Seminary
  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (>3 years)|Beach Room
    R.J. MacKenzie, Associate Director of Enrollment, Providence Theological Seminary
  • Student Services & Support – Administrative, Strategy & Visioning|Harbor Room
    Kellie Lisi, Director of Community Life and Candidacy, Wartburg Theological Seminary
  • Student Services & Support – Student Life, Care & Formation|Oasis Court
    Jeff Sajdak, Dean of Students, Calvin Theological Seminary
  • Student Records, Academic Policies & Services|Ocean Room
    Emil Canlas, Registrar, St. Mark’s College
  • Organizational Effectiveness, Assessment & Operations|Terrace Room
    Erin Houchin, Director of Housing, Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University

11:20 a.m.

11:30 a.m.      
Workshop Session 1

  • The Journey to Shared Student Support Services: Enhancing the Student Experience through Inter-Institutional Collaboration|Surf Room
    Abby Asgaralli, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Union Theological Seminary
    David Gastwirth, Vice President of Learning Innovation and Strategic Initiatives, Union Theological Seminary
    Jacqueline Fowler Nelson, Director of Student Support Services, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
  • Discerning Vocational Futures with Joy|Lagoon Room
    Aizaiah Yong, Associate Dean of Students, Claremont School of Theology
    Jonathan Dumas, Founder, Common Culture Consulting
  • Theoverse Legacy: Revolutionizing Theological Education through VR and AI|Terrace Room
    Carlos Robles Carrero, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, and Distance Education, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary
    Zoami Sepulveda, Administrative Assistant of Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, and Distance Education, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary
  • Reaching Across: The Ministry of Tabling|Beach Room
    Madeline Main, Global Recruitment Manager, Fuller Theological Seminary
  • Value-Grounded Technology Implementation|Harbor Room
    Michael Hemenway, Director of Design and Data Science, The Association of Theological Schools

12:30 p.m.
Lunch|Oasis Court

1:30 p.m.
Belonging Across Modalities: Technology as a Tool for Fostering Deeper Human Connection
|Terrace Room
Vince Tango, Adjunct Faculty, Communications Management, Instructional Design and Technology, University of Denver

2:45 p.m.
Break|Terrace Promenade

3:00 p.m.
Facilitated Discussions

  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (<1 year)|Surf Room
    Jessi LeClear Vachta, Senior Director of Enrollment Services, Luther Seminary
  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (2-3 years)|Lagoon Room
    DeNeen Collins, Director of Recruiting and Admissions, Christian Theological Seminary
  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (>3 years)|Beach Room
    R.J. MacKenzie, Associate Director of Enrollment, Providence Theological Seminary
  • Student Services & Support – Administrative, Strategy & Visioning|Harbor Room
    Kellie Lisi, Director of Community Life and Candidacy, Wartburg Theological Seminary
  • Student Services & Support – Student Life, Care & Formation|Oasis Court
    Jeff Sajdak, Dean of Students, Calvin Theological Seminary
  • Student Records, Academic Policies & Services|Ocean Room
    Emil Canlas, Registrar, St. Mark’s College
  • Organizational Effectiveness, Assessment & Operations|Terrace Room
    Erin Houchin, Director of Housing, Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University

3:35 p.m.

3:45 p.m.     
Workshop Session 2 

  • Story Circles: Integrating Formation with the Broader Curriculum for Student Thriving and Preparation for Contextual Education|Surf Room
    Lisl Heymans Paul, Director of Contextual Education, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

  • Per My Last Email...|Harbor Room
    Qhamora Kimbrough, Registrar and Senior Recruitment Officer, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
  • Integrating Spiritual Formation into Hybrid Theological Education|Ocean Room
    J. Matthew Barnes, Vice President of Formation, Asbury Theological Seminary
  • Advocating for Equity: The Role of Student Personnel in Support of Title IX Compliance in Online Classrooms|Beach Room
    Marilyn Harris, Director of Human Resources and Title IX Services, AdminWise
  • Does It Have to be One or the Other? Navigating Legacy and Change in Advising and Curriculum|Lagoon Room
    Mason Lee, Associate Dean, Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology

4:45 p.m.  
Putting Story to Work: Exploring the Value of Associational Life
|Terrace Room
Michael Hemenway, Director of Design and Data Science, The Association of Theological Schools

5:15 p.m.  
Free evening

THURSDAY, MARCH 13                   

7:45 a.m.      
Breakfast|Oasis Court

8:45 a.m.      
Morning Reflection|Terrace Room
R.J. MacKenzie, Associate Director of Enrollment, Providence Theological Seminary

9:00 a.m.      
Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Work and Cultivating Care
Michael Hanegan, Founder, Intersections

10:30 a.m.   
Break|Terrace Promenade

10:50 a.m.
Facilitated Discussions

  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (<1 year)|Surf Room
    Jessi LeClear Vachta, Senior Director of Enrollment Services, Luther Seminary
  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (2-3 years)|Lagoon Room
    DeNeen Collins, Director of Recruiting and Admissions, Christian Theological Seminary
  • Recruitment, Admissions & Enrollment (>3 years)|Beach Room
    R.J. MacKenzie, Associate Director of Enrollment, Providence Theological Seminary
  • Student Services & Support – Administrative, Strategy & Visioning|Harbor Room
    Kellie Lisi, Director of Community Life and Candidacy, Wartburg Theological Seminary
  • Student Services & Support – Student Life, Care & Formation|Oasis Court
    Jeff Sajdak, Dean of Students, Calvin Theological Seminary
  • Student Records, Academic Policies & Services|Ocean Room
    Emil Canlas, Registrar, St. Mark’s College
  • Organizational Effectiveness, Assessment & Operations|Terrace Room
    Erin Houchin, Director of Housing, Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University

11:20 a.m.

11:30 a.m.   
Roundtable Discussions

  • Integrating Formation with Academics and its Impact on Student Services|Harbor Room
    Fr. Michel Najim, President, Antiochian House of Studies
    Fr. Fadi Rabbat, Dean, Antiochian House of Studies
  • Cultivating Colleague Community in Recruitment: The Surprising Case of One Denomination’s Cross-Seminary Collaboration|Lagoon Room
    Jessi LeClear Vachta, Director of Enrollment Services, Luther Seminary
    Jen Gruendler, Associate Director of Enrollment Services, Luther Seminary
    Jeanette Perrault, Director of Admissions, Wartburg Seminary
    Jill Disbro, Director of Admission, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
    Emma Gautney, Admission and Residence Life Coordinator, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
  • Strategies for Building Community in Hybrid Programs: Sharing Best Practices and Brainstorming Future Possibilities|Surf Room
    Tracy Riggle Young, Associate Dean of Enrollment Management, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
    Ayana Teter, Associate Dean for Students and Formation, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
  • Reshaping the ATS Student Questionnaires: Your Voice Matters for Redevelopment|Beach Room
    Kevin O’Coin, Associate Director of Enrollment, Associated Canadian Theological Schools of Trinity Western University
    Andy Peloquin, Head of Student Success, Western Seminary
    Christopher The, Director of Student Research and Initiative Management, The Association of Theological Schools
    Sarah Turnblom, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, Princeton Theological Seminary
    Michael Wang, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Playing with Generative AI: Trying Out New Tools Together|Terrace Room
    Michael Hanegan, Founder, Intersections

12:30 p.m.   
Lunch|Oasis Court                                                              

1:30 p.m.    
Workshop Session 3 

  • The Influencer Generation: Building a Web of Connection for Recruitment|Surf Room
    Katie Fahey, Senior Director of Enrollment Management, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    Grant Showalter-Swanson, Assistant Director of Admissions and Recruitment, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
  • How Partnering with a Larger University Enhances a Small Theological Institution’s Educational Mission|Harbor Room
    Joe Lonergan
    , Director of Student Services and Spiritual Formation, Franciscan School of Theology
    Louis Cruz, Director of Enrollment Management, Franciscan School of Theology
    Diana Hannasch-Haag, Director of Retentional Programs, Professional and Continuing Education, University of San Diego
  • Diversification of Student Services for Student Thriving|Lagoon Room
    Thehil Russelliah Singh
    , Dean of Students, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    Melanie Baffes, Director of Academic Support and Student Thriving, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    Lisl Heymans Paul, Director of Contextual Education, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

  • AI-Assisted Approaches to Using the ATS Student Questionnaire|Beach Room
    Christopher The, Director of Student Research and Initiative Management, The Association of Theological Schools

2:30 p.m.     
Closing Session|Terrace Room

3:00 p.m.

Session 1 | Wednesday | 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 
  • The Journey to Shared Student Support Services: Enhancing the Student Experience through Inter-Institutional Collaboration|Surf Room
    Abby Asgaralli, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Union Theological Seminary
    David Gastwirth, Vice President of Learning Innovation and Strategic Initiatives, Union Theological Seminary
    Jacqueline Fowler Nelson, Director of Student Support Services, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
    The Academic and Student Experience Collaborative (ASEC) seeks to improve student outcomes through shared services by bringing together Union Theological Seminary and Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School—two institutions with distinct cultures, student populations, and operating structures. Now in its second academic year, ASEC provides learners at both institutions with accessibility services, writing support, career services and professional development, and student health and wellness services. This workshop will walk through our process for determining the most urgent needs facing our institutions and the activities underway to address those needs. Join us to learn how ASEC is collaboratively defining job descriptions, developing coordinated interviews, and hiring, onboarding, and managing new shared service staff together.
  • Discerning Vocational Futures with Joy|Lagoon Room
    Aizaiah Yong, Associate Dean of Students, Claremont School of Theology
    Jonathan Dumas, Founder, Common Culture Consulting
    Rooted in the contemplative tradition, this interactive session presents practical strategies for discerning vocational paths within and beyond religious institutions through the lens of joy. Specifically, the workshop will address the unique and multi-faceted vocational discernment challenges and opportunities faced by BIPOC, first-generation, and second-career students in theological education. Participants will learn of current research that demonstrates how joy transforms career satisfaction, and engage in activities that foster self-awareness, playfulness, and community-building through reflective and dialogical contemplative exercises, including career coaching techniques that address contemporary challenges in a changing workforce. The workshop is founded on experiential, holistic, relational, and liberative praxis and will be facilitated in collaboration with Jonathan Dumas, an associate certified coach with specialization in organizational psychology.
  • Theoverse Legacy: Revolutionizing Theological Education through VR and AI|Terrace Room
    Carlos Robles Carrero, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, and Distance Education, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary
    Zoami Sepulveda, Administrative Assistant of Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, and Distance Education, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary
    The field of theological education is experiencing an era in which there are many rapid technological advances, and the integration of innovative tools such as virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) is essential to enhance educational experiences. The Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary has developed “Theoverse Legacy,” which uses these technologies to provide immersive and interactive learning environments for theological studies. This workshop will demonstrate how “Theoverse Legacy” combines VR and AI to present complex theological concepts, facilitating deeper understanding for both students and educators. Participants will experience how VR can transform traditional learning modalities, making theological education more engaging, interactive, and accessible. This session will explore practical applications and strategies for implementing this technology in the context of theological education, with an emphasis on improving student learning and academic outcomes.
  • Reaching Across: The Ministry of Tabling|Beach Room
    Madeline Main, Global Recruitment Manager, Fuller Theological Seminary
    This workshop highlights the ministry of hospitality by curating a space of trust, safety, and warmth while tabling. Tabling is still utilized as a form of recruitment for many institutions (at conferences, colleges, etc.) by admissions representatives and recruiters, though its effectiveness is not as potent as it used to be, particularly with Gen Z, who values authenticity. This workshop teaches that the tabling experience does not have to feel transactional; one can learn how to transform a table into a threshold, regardless of budget size or levels of creativity. Some learning points include the science of aesthetics, color theory, engaging the five senses, and more. This workshop is also informative for any person who curates hospitality spaces.
  • Value-Grounded Technology Implementation|Harbor Room
    Michael Hemenway, Director of Design and Data Science, The Association of Theological Schools
    With the emerging ubiquity of new AI technologies, it is as important as ever to have a robust and responsive process for researching, evaluating, and selecting technological solutions that are grounded in the core values of your team and your institution. We will share our collective wisdom on value-grounded processes for technological implementation and discuss some of the important questions teams need to ask when considering new technologies.
Session 2 | Wednesday | 3:30–4:30 p.m. 
  • Story Circles: Integrating Formation with the Broader Curriculum for Student Thriving and Preparation for Contextual Education|Surf Room
    Lisl Heymans Paul, Director of Contextual Education, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    At Garrett Seminary, intentionally designed Story Circles are formational cohorts offered to first-year master’s-level students and designed to accompany and prepare them for spiritual thriving, deep listening, and self-reflection. These academically aligned cohorts, facilitated by a staff and faculty duo, offer students the relational and formational foundation they need to thrive in the broad range of ministry practice contexts in which they will serve. Additionally, Story Circles are part of a larger program of student services collaborating to provide layered care for student thriving. Details of designing, planning, and implementing all aspects of the Story Circles program will be shared.

  • Per My Last Email...|Harbor Room
    Qhamora Kimbrough, Registrar and Senior Recruitment Officer, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
    In the world of theological education, streamlining processes is critical for success. This workshop introduces Scribe, a powerful AI-driven tool designed to automate the creation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This workshop will demonstrate how Scribe can revolutionize workflows in student services by saving time, enhancing accuracy, and improving documentation consistency. Participants will: learn how Scribe captures workflows and converts them into comprehensive SOPs automatically; explore real-life applications of Scribe in student services and beyond; and gain practical insights into integrating Scribe into their institution’s operations. Discover how AI can elevate your team’s efficiency and empower your institution to meet its goals more effectively.
  • Integrating Spiritual Formation into Hybrid Theological Education|Ocean Room
    J. Matthew Barnes, Vice President of Formation, Asbury Theological Seminary
    As theological education increasingly embraces hybrid and online models, fostering spiritual formation and a sense of belonging among dispersed students presents unique challenges and opportunities. This workshop explores best practices for integrating spiritual formation into student services to enhance holistic development and support. Leveraging insights from Asbury Theological Seminary’s innovative Formation Team initiatives, participants will learn how to use technology, including mobile apps, online learning environments, and in-person hybrid intensives, to create spiritually formative spaces for hybrid and online students. Additionally, we will explore the role of emerging technologies in enhancing pastoral care and engagement, ensuring students feel seen and supported regardless of location. The session will include interactive case studies and discussions to help participants design community-building strategies that align with their institutional missions and values.
  • Advocating for Equity: The Role of Student Personnel in Support of Title IX Compliance in Online Classrooms|Beach Room
    Marilyn Harris, Director of Human Resources and Title IX Services, AdminWise
    As online education expands, student personnel must adapt to ensure compliance with Title IX while advocating for and supporting students in virtual learning environments. This presentation highlights the critical role of student affairs professionals in addressing biases and online discrimination in synchronous and asynchronous classrooms. We will examine strategies for recognizing and mitigating discriminatory behaviors, promoting equity, and fostering an inclusive digital environment where all students feel safe and respected. Through case studies and practical frameworks, participants will learn how to advocate for students impacted by bias and harassment, collaborate with faculty to promote inclusive practices, and provide resources for those navigating virtual challenges. Emphasizing the importance of awareness, empathy, and proactive engagement, this session empowers student personnel to be champions for equity, ensuring Title IX protections extend effectively into the online learning landscape.
  • Does It Have to be One or the Other? Navigating Legacy and Change in Advising and Curriculum|Lagoon Room
    Mason Lee, Associate Dean, Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology
    This workshop recounts one embedded seminary’s journey to a new advising and curriculum model and reflects on the challenges and opportunities discovered along the way. It explores how the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University, in its mission to serve a diverse student body well, navigated the tension between a historic, faculty-centered model of mentoring and advising, and an increasing need for more efficient student services. By developing inter-university partnerships and re-imagining a traditional curriculum, this seminary was able to provide more robust student services without sacrificing faculty engagement. At a time when institutional efficiency and tenured faculty are easily pitted against one another, this workshop draws on one administrator’s experiences to outline strategies and principles for navigating that tension in ways that allow an institution to serve students well while also empowering faculty to engage in professionally recognizable seminary work.
Session 3 | Thursday | 1:30–2:30 p.m. 
  • The Influencer Generation: Building a Web of Connection for Recruitment|Surf Room
    Katie Fahey, Senior Director of Enrollment Management, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    Grant Showalter-Swanson, Assistant Director of Admissions and Recruitment, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    As institutions and admissions offices are increasingly stretched thin for staff and resources, recruitment of new students has become increasingly challenging. It can be difficult to find prospective students in traditional places like campus ministries or religious studies programs as they shift in size and makeup. It’s even less likely for individuals to pursue seminary and divinity school, even as programming becomes more innovative and responsive to the needs of students. We will show how building relationships with influencers (influencer marketing) will increase reach to new audiences without stretching financial and personnel resources. We will discuss building up a base of nano-influencers, such as alumni, faculty, and current students, as well as connecting with more macro-level influencers, such as third-party placements and social media influencers. Participants will learn how to map possible institutional networks, generate ideas for potential influencers, and narrate key audiences.
  • How Partnering with a Larger University Enhances a Small Theological Institution’s Educational Mission|Harbor Room
    Joe Lonergan
    , Director of Student Services and Spiritual Formation, Franciscan School of Theology
    Louis Cruz, Director of Enrollment Management, Franciscan School of Theology
    Diana Hannasch-Haag, Director of Retentional Programs, Professional and Continuing Education, University of San Diego
    Four years ago, the Franciscan School of Theology (FST) partnered with the University of San Diego to create an online theology degree. This collaboration allows the degree to flourish by providing resources from each institution. We will explore how FST’s combined in-person and online student population has maintained a high retention and persistence rates by creating a lived experience of community despite obstacles presented by distance. This community was formed through the implementation of hybrid social and spiritual offerings, which cultivate a supportive and engaged environment. Presenters from both institutions will shed light on how institutions can pool resources like funding, facilities, and expertise and what we are learning along the way.
  • Diversification of Student Services for Student Thriving|Lagoon Room
    Thehil Russelliah Singh
    , Dean of Students, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    Melanie Baffes, Director of Academic Support and Student Thriving, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    Lisl Heymans Paul, Director of Contextual Education, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
    This panel discussion will focus on the importance of reflective and intentional integration in student affairs functions from three different perspectives. We will discuss the eight aspects of a student’s holistic wellness, the integration of spirituality and identity formation through reflective advising, and the incorporation of formation in academics to prepare students for contextual education.

  • AI-Assisted Approaches to Using the ATS Student Questionnaire|Beach Room
    Christopher The, Director of Student Research and Initiative Management, The Association of Theological Schools
    ATS Student Data Services staff present this institutional-focused workshop on approaches to designing, deploying, and interpreting the ATS Student Questionnaires. Featuring the use of AI-assisted tools, this interactive workshop will prompt participants to explore tools like Julius.ai (an AI-powered tool for analyzing large datasets) and NotebookLM (an AI research tool for organizing and understanding information). As these two examples suggest, machine-assisted approaches can help curious student personnel and institutional leaders take notice of hidden trends and patterns in their own student data. They can even assist in future questionnaire design and sketch follow-up ideas to enhance student support services and institutional strategy. If time and interest allow, further data visualization and analysis techniques will focus on practical applications relevant to putting the data collected by the ATS Student Questionnaires to work for participating member schools.


Hotel Information
You are responsible for the cost of your lodging and transportation to/from Newport Beach. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hyatt Regency Newport Beach at a group rate of $249 for single/double occupancy. The Hyatt Regency is located at 1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660. To make your online hotel reservation under the ATS group rate, click here. The deadline to make your room reservation is Monday, February 17, 2025.

Check-in: 4 p.m.
Check-out: 12 p.m.

  • All guests arriving before 4 p.m. will be accommodated as rooms become available. Bell staff can arrange to check baggage for guests arriving early, or when attending afternoon functions on departure day.
  • Hotel room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes in effect at the time of check-in.

For more details, visit Hyatt Regency Newport Beach.

Overnight self-parking is available for a discounted rate of $15 per car, per night.
Overnight valet parking is available for $50 per night.

Transportation Information 
A rideshare company is recommended (Uber, Lyft, etc.).

Michael Hanegan

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Michael Hanegan

Michael Hanegan is the founder of Intersections, a learning and human formation company. He teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level on generative AI and the future of learning and work at Rose State College and the University of Central Oklahoma. Along with Chris Rosser, he will publish a book on AI and libraries this summer from the American Library Association. Hanegan leads and serves universities, K-12 districts, library leaders, and other institutions in navigating our collective future.

Leon Rodrigues

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Leon Rodrigues

Leon Rodrigues serves as the dean of students and vice president for inclusion and belonging at Luther Seminary. He grew up in South Africa and has been in Christian higher education for more than 20 years. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with his family.

Vince Tango

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Vince Tango

Vince Tango serves as an adjunct instructor and community strategist with more than 15 years of experience specializing in building online communities that foster human connection. He teaches and designs graduate courses in instructional design and technology, communication, and learning and development at the University of Denver. He also collaborates across multiple sectors, including academic institutions and faith-based organizations to enhance online spaces of belonging and engagement.

At Iliff School of Theology, he served as associate dean of admissions and student services, where he helped launch and direct the hybrid Master of Divinity program. His post-Iliff work at Sounds True focused on developing mindfulness communities and shepherding connections in online programs in healing trauma, conscious leadership, and spiritual wellness, reaching a global audience of more than 10,000 participants.

Tango holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of Denver, where his research focused on building community in hybrid learning environments, and a Master of Divinity from Iliff School of Theology. He is an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ and serves remotely from his home in Huntington Beach, CA. Learn more about his coaching and consulting work at vincetango.com.


Registration Deadline: February 13, 2025

Conference fee: $350.
Guest fee (if applicable): $75.

You will be invoiced via email.

Cancellation Policy
A refund of the registration fee will be provided upon written request. An administrative fee of $75 will be deducted from refund checks. No refunds after March 3, 2025.

Dress is business casual.

Event Contact
Saren Williams

Date & Time
Tue, Mar 11, 2025 , 4:30 p.m. PT
Thu, Mar 13, 2025 , 3:00 p.m. PT

Hyatt Regency Newport Beach | Newport Beach, CA

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Website by Morweb.org