Information The Association of Theological Schools collects on its website
- ATS event registration information
- Registrations to receive the ATS online newsletter (Colloquy Online)
- Information submitted explicitly by website visitors via completion of webforms to request mailing lists or other ATS or ATS Commission on Accrediting (COA) business-related functions
- Logging data related to ATS website usage via Google Analytics or other website analytics packages to tell ATS where traffic is coming from, what types of devices are used on its website,
what operating systems are used, what pages or documents are being used and how frequently, and to track how visitors arrived at its site (direct link, search engine search, etc.)
- Log security-related data to provide appropriate security for ATS website traffic
What does ATS do with the information it collects?
- ATS uses event registration data to communicate additional details about the event to registrants.
- ATS uses online newsletter registration information to send its newsletter to those who have signed up (an “unsubscribe” option appears at the bottom of every issue); This
information may be combined in another internal database to ease data management and communication.
- ATS uses data submitted via the explicit completion of a variety of webforms used in COA business to process the requests and then to communicate and follow up with relevant parties
listed as contacts in the submitted forms. This information may be combined in another internal database to ease data management and communication.
- ATS uses the logging data for Google Analytics or other web analytics sources to determine how various resources are being accessed along with the frequency of access as an aide to
determine future website content or changes.
- ATS uses the logging data from its security platforms to provide an appropriate level of security for the ATS website in general.
To whom does ATS disclose your personal information?
- ATS shares personal information internally—within the Association or the Commission as needed—to support the ATS website or requests originating from website visitors.
- The Association’s web analytics providers (Google Analytics or others) will have copies of demographic data for the ATS website, and the Association’s security vendor will
have logging traffic (particularly for blocked connections to the website).
- ATS does NOT sell any of the information it gathers on its website through event registrations, explicit webform submissions, nor website analytics.
Further Information
ATS has appointed the ATS Senior Director & COO as Chief Privacy Officer to oversee compliance with this privacy policy and applicable privacy laws. For information on the
Association’s privacy practices, please contact the chief privacy officer.