Embracing Diversism, Facing Division: The Bridge-Building Project of Bethany Theological Seminary
School Information
Member School:Bethany Theological Seminary
Location:Richmond, IN
Country:United States
Primary Denomination:Church of the Brethren
Project Information
Initiative:Pathways for Tomorrow Phase 2
Project Title:Embracing Diversism, Facing Division: The Bridge-Building Project of Bethany Theological Seminary
Project Description:The project will prepare students to lead congregations through issues of diversity and division. The key element of the project is a redesigned residential program called Bethany BOLD that includes service-learning opportunities with local nonprofit organizations. Service placements will introduce students to individuals who are different from themselves and help participants develop skills in navigating diversity and division within communities. The program seeks to better connect classroom and co-curricular experiences and to encourage reflection and discussion among students. The seminary is also developing new courses, off-campus experiences, colloquy, and partnerships with other organizations, all intended to help students have more direct experiences with diverse populations and provide more opportunities to engage in difficult conversations around topics like race and racism, political controversies, and schism within the church.
Project Area:Diversifying students and curricula | Engaging publics and contexts | Organizational partnerships and networks | Residential education | Upskilling pastoral and ministerial leaders
Project Start Date:22-Jul-01
Project End Date:26-Dec-31
Project Amount:$1,000,000
School Informatics
The following information reflects information reported to ATS
in fall 2021 near the start of this Pathways grant phase: