Certificado de Estudios Bíblicos y Teológicos (Certificate of Biblical and Theological Studies)
School Information
Member School:Anderson University School of Theology
Location:Anderson, IN
Country:United States
Primary Denomination:Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)
Project Information
Initiative:Pathways for Tomorrow Phase 2
Project Title:Certificado de Estudios Bíblicos y Teológicos (Certificate of Biblical and Theological Studies)
Project Description:The Pathways Phase 2 grant for Anderson University (AU) School of Theology and Christian Ministry enables the creation and implementation of a new 18-course ministry preparation certificate program in Spanish for pastors and lay leaders in Spanish-speaking churches. The program also delivers regional workshops through cluster institutes in which AU faculty, staff, and seminary alumni travel to congregations in need of theological education for laity and local pastors. The certificate program is primarily serving Church of God Hispanic Concilio congregational leadership, and seeks approval through AETH.org [Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana] to enable those who complete the certificate to gain access to master's programs in Spanish. With this grant, AU intends to continue the certificate program and move toward a growing portfolio of credit and continuing education opportunities to offer ministry education in Spanish.
Project Area:Church vitality and equipping lay leaders | Diversifying students and curricula | Non-degree and continuing/lifelong learning | Non-English curricula | Upskilling pastoral and ministerial leaders
Project Start Date:22-Jun-01
Project End Date:27-Dec-31
Project Amount:$1,000,000
School Informatics
The following information reflects information reported to ATS
in fall 2021 near the start of this Pathways grant phase: