Reimagining Sustainable Theological Education for Pastoral Leaders Through Innovation & Partnerships
School Information
Member School:The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
Location:Seattle, WA
Country:United States
Primary Denomination:Nondenominational
Project Information
Initiative:Pathways for Tomorrow Phase 2
Project Title:Reimagining Sustainable Theological Education for Pastoral Leaders Through Innovation & Partnerships
Project Description:The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology is exploring opportunities to enhance its capacity to train current and future pastoral leaders whose faith communities are in a season of significant transition and strain in rapidly changing contexts. We will weave together our internal processes; develop new and strengthen existing relationships with regional churches, parachurch ministries, and other partners; and widen our access to the next generation of leaders.
Project Area:Congregational and denominational collaborations | Engaging publics and contexts | Marketing and recruitment | Organizational partnerships and networks | Upskilling pastoral and ministerial leaders
Project Start Date:22-Jan-01
Project End Date:26-Dec-31
Project Amount:$1,000,000
School Informatics
The following information reflects information reported to ATS
in fall 2021 near the start of this Pathways grant phase: