Primary Denomination:Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Project Information
Initiative:Pathways for Tomorrow Phase 2
Project Title:Caminemos Juntos/Journey Together
Project Description:Our Pathways project supports two innovative programs. First, the project will enable us to move our Caminemos Juntos/Journey Together competency-based TEEM [Theological Education for Emerging Ministries] program from the launch phase to a sustainable program with a broader reach. Second, the grant will enable us to develop innovative programming to train and support Latinx partner congregations, their leaders, and synods through the Centro Teológico Luterano Multicultural/CTLM [replacing the Lutheran Seminary Program of the Southwest].
Project Area:Business model innovation | Competency-based models | Congregational and denominational collaborations | Diversifying students and curricula | Engaging publics and contexts | Non-English curricula
Project Start Date:22-Jan-01
Project End Date:26-Dec-31
Project Amount:$725,000
School Informatics
The following information reflects information reported to ATS
in fall 2021 near the start of this Pathways grant phase: