Disruptive Innovation: Sustaining an Institution Renaissance Through Non- and Neo-Traditional Avenues of Theological Education
School Information
Member School:Grace Theological Seminary
Location:Winona Lake, IN
Country:United States
Primary Denomination:Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
Project Information
Initiative:Pathways for Tomorrow Phase 2
Project Title:Disruptive Innovation: Sustaining an Institution Renaissance Through Non- and Neo-Traditional Avenues of Theological Education
Project Description:The purpose of our project is to increase organizational capacity and to ensure institutional sustainability by building sustainable revenue models. We are adding staff to strategic growth areas centered within the digital learning space, and we will enhance the stability of our traditional residential program while building online content for: (1) online graduate and doctoral programs, (2) a competency-based academic program (Deploy), and (3) a non-academic micro-credentialing program.
Project Area:Business model innovation | Competency-based models | Degrees or accelerated programs | Non-degree and continuing/lifelong learning | Non-residential education | Residential education
Project Start Date:22-Jan-01
Project End Date:26-Dec-31
Project Amount:$1,000,000
School Informatics
The following information reflects information reported to ATS
in fall 2021 near the start of this Pathways grant phase: