Member School:Candler School of Theology of Emory University
Location:Atlanta, GA
Country:United States
Primary Denomination:United Methodist Church
Project Information
Initiative:Pathways for Tomorrow Phase 3
Project Title:Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative - Phase 3
Project Description:Candler and its partners are reaching out in a number of ways to make ministerial education more accessible, including through a new school of ministry and certificate-level education for ministerial credentials in denominations that don’t require a degree. As well, a new center will help support Bible institutes and certificate programs. AETH [Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana] will also provide affiliated Bible institutes with increased library access. And, there’s the creation of a summer institute for global Charismatic and Pentecostal studies.
Project Area:Congregational and denominational collaborations | Engaging publics and contexts | Non-degree and continuing/lifelong learning | Non-English curricula | Organizational partnerships and networks | Technological intervention
Project Start Date:22-Sep-01
Project End Date:27-Dec-31
Project Amount:$5,000,000
School Informatics
The following information reflects information reported to ATS
in fall 2021 near the start of this Pathways grant phase: